Technical Newsletter as on 4th July 2023
In the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) continued mission to strengthen enforcement of its Vessel General Permit (VGP) requirements, the agency has settled penalties with 2 latest cases involving a Singapore-based Shipping Company and a Japan-based Shipping Company, resulting in a total of $337,000 in fines for Ballast Water Management System (BWMS) deficiencies/incidents reported as far away as the Port of Pago Pago in American Samoa as well as California ports, issued under the Clean Water Act. (Read more by clicking on the link to Newsreleases in EPA website)
Let’s take a deeper look at the details and key deficiencies in each case
PENALTIES Levied & Settled, and relevant Ports:
Key DEFICIENCIES Identified:
PENALTIES Levied & Settled, and relevant Ports:
Key DEFICIENCIES Identified:
"EPA takes compliance with the Vessel General Permit – a key element under the Clean Water Act – seriously. It is vitally important that vessel owners and operators properly manage what they discharge into our oceans, and that they meet their monitoring and reporting requirements," said Pacific Southwest Regional Administrator Martha Guzman. "Noncompliance with the permit can seriously impact the quality of our nation's waters, which are already challenged by port operations."
In order to mitigate such risk, Ship Owners and Managers must ensure required inspections, testing, checks, and reporting are executed for all stipulated requirements, without exception. An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.
Handy links to get more information on VGP Compliance requirements and more:
Maritec provides a unique one-stop solution to meet your Discharge Water Compliance requirements as per VGP 2013. Benefit from:
If you have any questions or comments please don't hesitate to contact us
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#05-27 Pantech Business Hub,
Singapore 128381
T +65 6271 8622